Archive for March, 2020


March 23, 2020

I’ve been thinking about how can I increase my self esteem without making it an ego reaffirmation. And I think that the key is to realize that I’m not an isolated individual, therefore my worth, my value cannot be isolated either. I am what I am because of my interactions and connections with the world. I co-construct myself with my surroundings, with the living beings around me. So, in order to understand and love myself, I must comprehend that there’s no “inner value” created out of the blue. I’m part of the stream of life, I’m one link in this aeons of living processes. I’m a part of this world, and every part is as important as the whole, simply because we are all part of each other.

If I’m brave is because I fight for the others. If I’m loving, is because I love other beings. If I’m smart it’s because all the things I’ve learned and the teachers I’ve had.

I am a worthy woman because I work every day to make life better for everyone. I’ve been fighting my shortcomings to be happier and help others be happier too.

I can feel good about myself because of the love I spread. Because I love and help others as much as I can. Because there is a friend who is alive because of me; because right now my cousin is starting to heal his trauma because I received his confession with all my love. So many animals have had better lives because of my care.

If I suffer, if I act unskillfully, it isn’t because I’m bad, stupid or not good enough. Maybe I just don’t know better, I’m afraid or I misunderstand the situation.

Compassion can only exist through interconnection; real love, metta, can only emerge from an absence of walls, in order to love myself I must love myself and the others openly. Love and compassion are like water, they must flow unrestricted to bring life.

So, when I love myself I love you too. When I love you, I love myself too.

Spiritual dead is is an act of love, I let my illusory isolated self die, so that my real interconnected self can emerge. As I learn to love I die and I’m reborn, over and over again. It’s all right. I don’t mind.



I am too connected to you to
Slip away, to fade away
Days away I still feel you
Touching me, changing me
And considerately killing me.

James K. Maynard



March 22, 2020

Hay ausencias que no se perciben,

ausencias tan silenciosas, tan ocultas.

Ausencias que se alimentan de mis heridas

y  las mantienen sangrando.

Hasta que un día se hacen visibles, sin querer,

por error, por distracción de la normalidad.

Y entonces veo las ausencias, los vacíos,

me percibo tan sola y abandonada.

Y entonces me doy cuenta que no sé

lo que es ser cuidada, atendida.

No alcanzo a comprender si importo,

si soy relevante a los demás.

A veces me llegan palabras dulces, halagos,

y pasan de lado, incomprensibles para mi.

Mi autoestima es un ser extraño, ajeno,

evasivo, intangible e inefable.

A veces se asoma y me da un poco de beber,

a veces me toca y vuelve a desaparecer.

A veces trata de explicarme y me da un espejo,

pero mis ojos no quieren ver, no saben ver.

No sé cómo encender este fuego,

lo he intentado tantas veces.

Apenas salen unas pocas llamas,

y sé que necesito la ayuda que no sé pedir,

que no sé recibir.




Más allá

March 1, 2020

Más allá del tiempo.

Más allá del mundo que nos aprisiona.

Más allá de la ausencia y el vacío.

Más allá de nosotros.


Te amo más allá del tiempo y la circusntancia.

Más allá de la esperanza que se desvanece.

Más allá del rechazo y la incertidumbre.

Un amor que escapa más allá de mí.


Más allá del encuentro pasado.

Más allá de mis manos y mi cuerpo.

Más allá del absurdo y la razón.

Sólo te amo, pero no aquí, más allá.



Beyond time.